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Immune Effector Cell Manual, 1st Edition

First Edition, Version 1.1 FACT Immune Effector Cells Accreditation Manual [Free Download]

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Accredited Organization, Guest, Inspector, Inspector Trainee, NonMember - $0.00


This Accreditation Manual accompanies the FACT Standards for Immune Effector Cells, First Edition, Version 1.1. The purpose of the manual is to provide guidance to applicants for accreditation and to on-site inspectors. Requirements to become accredited are detailed in the FACT Immune Effector Cells Standards. This manual explains the intent and rationale for specific standards, and provides explanations, examples, and alternative approaches that will be helpful in the accreditation process. This is not an exhaustive list of possible ways to meet the Standards, and the only intent is to provide examples since there are many effective mechanisms by which to achieve compliance with FACT Standards and by which to inspect applicant cellular therapy programs.

Product Details:

Product ID: 660
Publication Year: 2018