Our Committee Members

FACT Board of Directors

Catherine Bollard MBChB, MD, FRACP, FRCPA photo


Catherine Bollard MBChB, MD, FRACP, FRCPA
Children's National Health System Blood and Marrow Transplant Program     
Washington, DC

Navneet S. Majhail MD, MBBS, MS photo


Navneet S. Majhail MD, MBBS, MS
(Vice President)
Sarah Cannon Transplant and Cellular Therapy Program @ TriStar Centennial    
Nashville, TN

C. Fred LeMaistre MD photo


C. Fred LeMaistre MD
(Past President)
Nashville, TN

Nadim Mahmud MD, PhD photo


Nadim Mahmud MD, PhD
University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System Blood & Marrow Transplant Program    
Chicago, IL

Carlos Ramos MD photo


Carlos Ramos MD
Baylor College of Medicine, Stem Cell Transplant Program, Texas Children's Hospital and Houston Methodist Hospital    
Houston, TX

Nicole Lesley Prokopishyn PhD photo


Nicole Lesley Prokopishyn PhD
(Standards Chair)
Alberta Blood and Marrow Transplant Program: Foothills Medical Centre, Alberta Children's Hospital, Tom Baker Cancer Centre, and Alberta Precision Laboratories    
Calgary, AB, Canada

Alan Balch PhD photo


Alan Balch PhD
(Public Director)
Patient Advocate Foundation    
Hampton, VA

Phyllis I. Warkentin MD photo


Phyllis I. Warkentin MD
(Chief Medical Officer)
University of Nebraska Medical Center    
Omaha, NE

David Schmahl photo


David Schmahl
(Chief Executive Officer)
Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy     
Omaha, NE

Wanxing Cui MD, PhD photo


Wanxing Cui MD, PhD
Medstar Georgetown University Hospital Cell Therapy Manufacturing Facility    
Washington, DC

Sergio Giralt MD photo


Sergio Giralt MD
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center - Blood and Marrow Transplant Program    
New York, NY

Mary Grable McLeod MT(ASCP) photo


Mary Grable McLeod MT(ASCP)
Stanford Medicine Blood & Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Program    
Stanford, CA

Patrick Hanley PhD photo


Patrick Hanley PhD
Children's National Cellular Therapy Laboratory    
Washington, DC

Phillip Johnson MMedSc(Path) photo


Phillip Johnson MMedSc(Path)
Queensland Cord Blood Bank At The Mater     
Brisbane, Australia

Eneida Nemecek MD photo


Eneida Nemecek MD
Northwest Marrow Transplant Program at Oregon Health & Science University, Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical Center and Doernbecher Children's Hospital    
Portland, OR

Huy Phu Pham MD, MPH photo


Huy Phu Pham MD, MPH
NMDP Seattle Collection Center    
Seattle, WA