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NetCord Webinar Cord Blood Potency and Release

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This webinar was presented live on Thursday, October 10, 2013 at 1300 GMT, 9 am EDT by Gesine Kögler, PhD of the José Carreras Cord Blood Bank. Cord blood units are not only intensively examined during processing before cryopreservation, but also prior to release for transplantation. Therefore, potency of a unit must be defined before release on segments and cryopreserved aliquots. Currently estimation of the potency, i.e., the capability to rebuild the patient’s hematopoietic system, is performed by flow cytometric analysis of CD34+ cells as well as the assessment of CFC formation in a methycellulose-assay. Methodological aspects and technical improvements were discussed.

Product Details:

Product ID: 408
Publication Year: 2013
Pages, Size, or Length: 49 minutes