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How FACT Accredited Clinical Programs Continue to Raise the Bar in Quality
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Accredited Organization, Guest, Inspector, Inspector Trainee, NonMember - $0.00
This webinar was live on November 16, 2016, at 11:00 am ET. Cellular therapy, and healthcare in general, are at the forefront of several initiatives to increase quality in patient care. The blood and marrow transplant field has been a leader in voluntarily improving quality, and new FACT accreditation requirements have been implemented to facilitate real results that have a direct impact on patients. Accredited Clinical Programs are currently adapting to several new standards and procedural changes to the accreditation process, and this webinar provided background on these changes. Major topics included clinical outcomes benchmarking, joint FACT/CIBMTR data audits, and immune effector cell requirements. Dr. Phyllis Warkentin, FACT Chief Medical Officer, and Dr. Helen Heslop, FACT Past President, explained the rationale for the changes, improvements expected, and details for compliance
Product Details:
Product ID: | 402 |
Publication Year: | 2016 |
Pages, Size, or Length: | 61 minutes |