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What Is the CBA and What Are Its Strategies for the Cord Blood Community?
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Accredited Organization, Guest, Inspector, Inspector Trainee, NonMember - $0.00
Accredited Organization, Guest, Inspector, Inspector Trainee, NonMember - $0.00
Inspector, Inspector Trainee - $0.00
This webinar was live on September 30, 2015, at 11:00 EDT, and was free of charge. In this webinar participants heard from several of the association’s leaders about progress to date and plans for the months ahead addressing industry priorities of advocacy, market expansion, quality assurance, public and healthcare provider education, and research and development. The presenters included: Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg, President of the Cord Blood Association, Director of Carolinas Cord Blood Bank in Durham, NC Geoffrey Crouse, MBA/MPH, Vice President of the Cord Blood Association, Chief Executive Officer of Cord Blood Registry in San Francisco Gesine Koegler, PhD, Chair of Quality Standards Committee, Cord Blood Association, Director of Carreras Cord Blood Bank and GMP Facility at University of Deusseldorf Medical Center, Duesseldorf, Germany.
Product Details:
Product ID: | 378 |
Publication Year: | 2015 |
Pages, Size, or Length: | 52 minutes |