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If you are attempting to access the systems listed below, navigate directly to the system and login with our new SSO platform.Conflict of Interest: | https://coi.factglobal.org |
Accreditation Portal: | https://portal.factglobal.org |
Event Registration: | https://learn.factglobal.org |
Apply to be an Inspector: | https://learn.factglobal.org |
If you attempting to access the FACT Store, the FACT Seal of Accreditation, the Inspector Resources area, or to register for FACT's Mailing List create an account or enter your legacy credentials in the form below.
If you do not remember your credentials, click: Forgot Password.
If you do not receive the reset password email or need any additional assistance, contact technologyservices@factglobal.org or call us at 402.625.7651